Friday marked my last day at Roofr. A fantastic company with fantastic people.

..Rewind 2 years. There I am, logging into LinkedIn for my bi-annual check-in.

I go to clear my backlog of DM’s. Messages that were sent MONTHS ago.. except for one. It was sent mere minutes ago.

The uncanny timing tells me it’s some sort of signal from the universe.

I was very happy where I was (Automattic). I wasn’t looking for another job, but hey, at the very least I can see where my skills stand. So I agreed to meet with the recruiter.

It’s a great conversation. The descriptions remind me of my days at FreshBooks.. which in itself is probably too good to be true. It seems like an interesting opportunity, but I was happy where I was. Even still, I agree to chat with the CEO.

WOW…. This guy is great, he actually understands the critical points of customer support. It’s not just lip service either, he really gets it.

Fast forward to today. Richy (the CEO) has been an amazing person to work for. The level of care and support he gives our customer support department is second to none. That level of care and support also extends to his staff, of every level in the company.

The company is filled with incredible people. People that I will keep close contact with for years and years ahead.

The Next Step

So what’s next? A new adventure… what that entails, we will see!

I will miss you Roofr <3