I’ve trailed off on posting updates lately, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have any. Quite the opposite actually, as the reason for the lack of updates is how busy I’ve been in my workshop.

First off, I finish my workbench 🙂


You can also see in the background there are some new additions to the shop. I’ve cleaned up my Grandfather’s old drill press and restored that to working order. As well, I added a new dust collector.

This past weekend I actually ran all the ductwork for the dust collector, so it’s in full swing now.

Next on the update list, is that I stepped up my Cutting Board creation game. I experimented with using a laser cutter to etch the board on this one (which was a birthday gift for a friend). It turned out better than I thought and I’ll definitely be using the laser cutter on future projects.


My last update, is my long awaited Dinning Room Table. This is the project that started my back into woodworking, but it has been horrible delayed 😛 I’m going to do a full post on the table, so that you can see before and after. For now though, you can have a sneak peak at what the tabletop will look like once it’s peiced together: